How Long Does Moyen Poodle Live?

Moyen Poodle Lifespan is usually in between 12-14 years. It is a French word meaning medium. Moyen Poodle is a medium-sized dog that can be 20 inches in height at the shoulder. It is a newly introduced Poodle variant in the United States and is very popular in European countries.

Moyen Poodle is an energetic, affectionate, and intelligent dog breed worldwide. They are famous for their intelligence. This attribute makes their training easy, and they quickly learn basic commands and instructions.

Black Moyen Poodle
Image Source-Unsplash | Image by-Levi Cella

Average Lifespan of Moyen Poodle

Moyen Poodle Lifespan, on average, is 12-14 years. Many factors, such as care, diet, and exercise, influence the lifespan. Take good care of your friend so that he can live a long and healthy life.

Is Moyen Poodle and Klein Poodle the same?

As discussed earlier, Moyen is a French word meaning medium, and Klein is a German word meaning small. Both words indicate the small size of the Moyen Poodle as compared to the standard Poodle.

What is Moyen Poodle?

Moyen Poodle is the 4th variant of the Poodle breed that is quite famous in European Countries. It is the result of breeding between Miniature and Standard. Moyen Poodle is an intelligent, kind, energetic, and active dog. Moyen will soon create a bond with its owner and settle well with other pets.

In terms of weight and height, Moyen stands between Miniatures and Standards. Moyen Poodle is easily manageable and settles well in small apartments and big houses.

How you can Increase Your Moyen Poodle Lifespan

Many factors directly or indirectly influence the lifespan of Moyen Poodle and many other dog breeds. As a responsible Moyen Poodle owner, you should take good care of these factors, which will be discussed below.

Moyen Poodle Resting
Image Source-Pexels | Image by-Skyler Ewing

Scheduled Vet Visits

Regular vet visits are vital for your Poodle’s good health and longevity. Your vet can detect diseases at early stages for timely and successful intervention. Also, ensure that your dog’s vaccination status is up to date to prevent various diseases such as rabies.

Proper Diet

As your Poodle starts its journey from a cute puppy to an elegant adult Poodle, its food requirement continuously changes. Consult with your vet to formulate the best possible diet plan catered to the age and health of your furry friend.


Exercise is of utmost importance for remaining in proper shape and weight. Indulge your dog in various games and make supervised outdoor visits to help your dog retain appropriate weight according to age. This will prevent or manage diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Common Health Problems in Moyen Poodle

Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and eating patterns. These can tell you a lot about the overall health. Some common diseases and their symptoms are given below. Contact your vet if you notice any of the following symptoms.

Disease Symptoms
BloatingExpanded Stomach, Vomiting, Restlessness
Hip DysplasiaDifficulty in standing, climbing stairs
EpilepsyCollapsing, Rigid Body,
Thyroid problemsSlow Heart Rate, Weight gain, Hair Shedding
Addison’s DiseaseVomiting, Diarrhea, Increased Thirst, Weight Loss


Moyen Poodle Lifespan is 12-14 years. As a responsible Poodle owner, you can take some steps to make it possible for your beloved Poodle to spend a long and healthy life with you. Your Poodle life is in your hands. So be attentive to any physical and behavioral changes in your dog and contact your vet in case of any abnormalities.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the most common cause of death in Poodles?

A most common cause of death in Poodles is Cancer and Heart Disease.

Can Poodles live 20 years?

With proper care and some luck, It is possible.

What is the most common disease in Poodles?

The most common diseases in Poodles are Hip Dysplasia, Thyroid Problems, Bloating, Epilepsy, and Addison’s disease.

How big is Moyen Poodle?

Moyen Poodle weighs about 15-35 pounds and reaches 20 inches at shoulder height.

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